Adults don’t have the corner on stressful experiences nor on testimonies. Twelve-year-old Ivy Wang felt impressed to share her testimony with the ward on two separate occasions. Her testimonies are born of experience. These experiences have the potential to build a foundation of faith and faithfulness for Ivy in particular, but the pure simple strength of the truth they contain may add to the faith of others as well. Enjoy her testimony in her own words. A little child shall lead them.
A Prayer for Chuck Snuffles
A Prayer for Chuck Snuffles
“Today, I would like to share a testimony about one of my experiences. It happened when I had my class pet, Chuck Snuffles over for one weekend in May. Chuck Snuffles is a gerbil and it was my turn to take her home. That day I had two church friends over; they were interested in Chuck Snuffles, so I took her out to play with us. After awhile, I put Chuck Snuffles back into her cage and headed out to my tree house to play with my friends. About twenty five minutes later, my mom had this feeling that she should check on Chuck Snuffles. When she looked at her cage, she found the cage door open and Chuck Snuffles was gone. I was worried to death when I was told she was missing. If my class found out I’d lost Chuck Snuffles, I would not be trusted anymore, even if I got them a second gerbil. I know it would be hard to spot her since gerbils are tiny and she could be anywhere in the house considering the cage door had been opened for at least thirty minutes by then.
“My mom suggested I say a prayer to have the inspiration about where Chuck Snuffles could be; so I did as she said. Later on, I had this feeling to check in the closet where we kept the blankets. I found nothing when I looked in there. My brother came and told me he saw something black going into my sister’s room, so everyone went in there. When everyone was there, I asked them to pray with me. The same impression that I had earlier became stronger, so I decided to look in the closet again. As I opened the closet door and looked under the vacuum we kept there, I saw something black moving. There she was. It was Chuck Snuffles! I was so relieved that I found her. I would like to bear my testimony that I know that at the hardest times, even when it seems impossible, God is always there for you to guide you and help you.”

The Attribute of Obedience
The Attribute of Obedience
“I would like to share an experience I had yesterday. My mom asked me to babysit my sister while she went out with my grandma, aunt and uncle. I was told to stay home and watch a movie. Instead, I decided it will be more fun to leave the house and go to the Watershed Park with my friends Phoebe and Bailey. Later on, when my Dad came home, he couldn’t find us at home and had to send my other sister out to search for us. Luckily, we were still on our way there. Afterwards, he gave me a big lecture about how I shouldn’t have done that and I should have stayed home. Afterwards, he took my other sister out shopping again. I thought it would be okay to ride my rip stick in front of my house on the street and leave Phoebe to watch the house. But Bailey and I got distracted and wandered into the nearby woods to play. When my Mom came home, she was told that I went rip-sticking with Bailey and hadn’t come back for a long time. She was worried and drove around the neighborhood, but couldn’t find us. Later on, we decided to come home since I had to go to the Youth Beach Party. When I arrived home, my Mom sternly lectured me because I disobeyed them, not just once, but twice in the same day. My Mom told me that I shouldn’t leave the house while she is gone and it is not safe for us to go into the Watershed Park by ourselves. I soon realized that my mom told me not to leave the house for a good reason and I should have obeyed her instead of doing things that I think are more fun for me.

“When I thought of the times I’ve made mistakes disobeying my parents, I see how I should obey them because they know what’s best for me. It is the same with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. I believe they also want the best for us. Sometimes we are told to keep the commandments and not to do certain things, so we can live righteously and be protected. We can obey without understanding why. Like Noah; he was commanded to build an ark while there was no rain at all. But he still chose to obey because he had faith and trust in Heavenly Father. Therefore, he and his family were protected from the flood.
“I know that as long as we are obedient to our Heavenly Father, we will be able to hang on to the iron rod in our life journey and eventually return and live with our Father in Heaven.”