A Story of Thanksgiving: Trusting in Divine Guidance

The blessing of personal revelation empowers us to overcome all fears and adversities in this life. We should be forever grateful for this supernal gift.

Family praying at meal time

As Thanksgiving approaches, I look forward to gathering with loved ones and sharing a meal. This year, I've felt inspired to reflect on the holiday's deeper significance. Beyond the traditions of feasting and family, it's a time to recognize God's hand in our lives and give thanks for His blessings.

Thanksgiving large gathering

Thanksgiving began as a way for the early settlers of North America to express deep appreciation for divine providence. They celebrated safe arrivals, bountiful harvests, and divine help through challenging times. These early settlers understood the importance of acknowledging God's role and the mercies He provides.

In today's world, where modern conveniences surround us, it can be easy to overlook our constant need for God's guidance and support. The scriptures, such as the Bible and the Book of Mormon remind us of this need. They serve as profound sources of God's word, offering comfort in times of trouble and guidance on how to approach Him to receive revelation.

Gold plates

A call to action from the scriptures

The Book of Mormon offers this wise counsel: “…contend no more against the Holy Ghost, but [receive] it, and take upon you the name of Christ; that ye humble yourselves even to the dust, and worship God, in whatsoever place ye may be in, in spirit and in truth; and that ye live in thanksgiving daily, for the many mercies and blessings which he doth bestow upon you. Yea, and I also exhort you, my brethren, that ye be watchful unto prayer continually, that ye may not be led away by the temptations of the devil, that he may not overpower you, that ye may not become his subjects at the last day; for behold, he rewardeth you no good thing.” (Alma 34:38-39).

These words encourage us to acknowledge God's presence, listen to His inspired promptings, and obey His guidance. As we celebrate Thanksgiving, let us commit to thanking God for His blessings and living in constant awareness and obedience to His divine will.

Family kneeling in prayer

This scripture serves as a call to action, encouraging us to humble ourselves before God, live in gratitude daily, and remain vigilant in prayer to avoid spiritual pitfalls. It underscores the importance of acknowledging God's hand amidst the distractions and comforts of modern life.

Seminary Class

A school assignment brings me to my knees

For me, this principle came to life during my senior year of high school when our English teacher announced that, by the end of the school year, each student would deliver a forty-five-minute presentation on a topic of their choice. Speaking in front of my classmates was going to be uncomfortable, as I had always dreaded public speaking. I felt an overwhelming sense of fear and dread, amplified by my relative lack of popularity at school.

This anxiety led me to turn to God for several months before the presentation. I prayed for His help, seeking guidance and courage to face the task. As I presented my situation to God, I began receiving thoughts and impressions about how to approach this presentation. At that time, I had already committed to serving a mission and was preparing for it. I began to think that maybe I could use this presentation to share my decision with my classmates. These were not random thoughts. It felt as though God was guiding me to invite the missionaries to my class and explain my intentions and the purpose of my mission.

Coming from a small town in Nova Scotia, where the Church was relatively small and unfamiliar to most of my peers, this idea felt incredibly challenging. I feared rejection and ridicule from classmates who did not share my faith. Instead of the warm, comforting feelings I had hoped for, the idea of presenting this before my class seemed very difficult. Initially, I dismissed the idea fearing I would be ridiculed. However, the promptings persisted and grew stronger. I wrestled with this decision for weeks, often thinking, “I can't do this; I already know how it will turn out.”

Young black man praying

When the day arrived to submit my topic, I resolved to follow the promptings I was receiving. In the back of my mind, I half expected my teacher to disapprove of my chosen subject and ask me to change it. I found some mental relief in thinking I might be excused from discussing it. To my surprise, she was supportive and approved of my topic. This set the stage for a transformative day in my life. On the day of my presentation, supported by local missionaries, I approached the school with a mix of trepidation and determination. That morning, fasting and prayer became my refuge as I sought heaven’s help to carry me through.

Friends walking together

Fortified by God in my time of need

Walking into the school that day, a profound peace replaced my fear. I felt God lifting my burden and replacing it with an assurance that everything would turn out well. As I delivered my presentation, I still showed signs of nervousness, as described in the comments from my teacher after my presentation. However, I never expected the reaction that I received. After the presentation concluded, many of my classmates approached me to express how inspiring they found it. I heard from students who weren't even in the class about my presentation, and they had heard it was inspiring and uplifting. They expressed curiosity about my mission and its purpose.

I moved across the country less than two months after this presentation. Before I left, I was able to give a copy of the Book of Mormon to many of my friends.

Reflecting on this experience, I have deepened my appreciation of the power of trusting in God's guidance and stepping out in faith, even when faced with difficult challenges. We must live in gratitude for the continuous blessings bestowed upon us, encouraging us to recognize and cherish the everyday miracles and quiet comfort we receive as we humble ourselves and follow God's direction.

Jesus pulling Peter from the water

How this one act of courage and faith changed my life forever

The impact of this experience has extended far beyond that time. This experience is only one in a lifetime of experiences with God. Through these many experiences, my faith in Christ and the power of His Atonement has grown exponentially. I know that God hears and answers prayers. I know that he knows our needs and stands always ready to “…succor the weak, lift up the hands which hang down, and strengthen the feeble knees.” (Doctrine & Covenants 81:5)

As we gather this Thanksgiving, let's reflect on the times we felt inspired or received revelation and how we responded. Were we able to replace our fears with faith and gratitude? Let's also recognize that everyone's journey with God is unique, and sometimes, answers to prayers come in unexpected ways or take a very long time. Challenges and difficulties do not diminish the value of divine revelation. Additionally, divine guidance does not always align with worldly definitions of success. Let's commit to being more attentive and responsive to these divine promptings. By doing so, we fulfill the directive to live in thanksgiving daily and transform our ordinary days into extraordinary testimonies of faith, humility, and divine love.