Family History Offerings

“Behold I will send you Elijah the prophet…and he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers.” (Malachi 4:5-6)

Elderly couple and YSA sister doing family history work

Our involvement in family history research and temple work will reveal to us the mighty miracles and works of our Saviour and Redeemer, Jesus Christ. As President Nelson has promised, we “can expect to receive answers to prayer, personal revelation, greater faith, strength, comfort, increased knowledge, and increased power” (Russell M. Nelson, “Rejoicing in the Gift of Priesthood Keys,” Liahona, May 2024).


Family history research is a blessing that has taught me to #HearHim. The Spirit can be subtle at times and at other times so very clear. I have often sat at my computer wondering which ancestor needed my efforts that day. Like a missionary led to the door of a specific home, the Spirit has been undeniable as I have been led to a specific person and then to the required records. A time of tutoring.

computer hands

The Spirit has been instrumental in guiding my efforts in helping others. While assisting patrons at the Family History Center (now FamilySearch Center), there have been times when I would look at their pedigree chart and the Spirit would direct me to research a certain ancestor. Often times this was not the specific ancestor that the patron was hoping to find. I would then encourage them to temporarily leave behind their original intention. Once they agreed to a change in focus, the necessary records were often found within minutes.

I love this work filled with guidance and miracles. The opportunities to learn to #HearHim are innumerable.

Elder Andersen
Elder Neil L. Andersen


“Regularly performing ordinances for our ancestors in the temple brings a sweet and sure confirmation that life continues beyond the veil” (Neil L. Andersen, “Temples, Houses of the Lord Dotting the Earth,” Liahona, May 2024).

The query has been presented to me: What is the difference in researching and taking your ancestor’s name to the temple as compared to the option of Ordinances Ready?

The Ordinances Ready option allows you to select a person and then perform a specific ordinance on his or her behalf. This person may be your ancestor, or may be a person from the temple file. You can give service for this ordinance and then you may not see their name again. It reminds me of the many people contacted by missionaries. The missionaries meet and serve them once.


When you research an ancestor, you establish a longer relationship with that person. You spend time with them as you search for information and then you are able to serve them five more times as you participate in proxy ordinances. It is service offered to one person many times. This is similar to a missionary who returns to teach a person many times. A deeper relationship is possible.

The two options are different paths of service. Each path provides an essential service. The choice is yours to make. I would encourage participation in both paths over a lifetime. Each path will bring blessings. Each path will serve an ancestor in moving them forward on the covenant path.

Jesus on park bench with youth


Many people suffer immensely during their mortal journey. They suffer with sadness, abuse, lack of love, and the list could go on and on. It is in Jesus Christ that we find the love we have been missing. It is because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ that we can heal from all afflictions and wounds whether in this earth life or in the afterlife. The opportunity is the same.

We all need increased faith, repentance, love, and sanctification on whichever side of the veil we might be. As I have researched, I have slowly recognized that my ancestors were real people who lived and experienced joys and heartaches, challenges and trials, love and sorrow. They need healing just like I need healing from the injuries sustained from living in this mortal sphere.

Youth male consoling another

Family history is an opportunity for healing - healing of relationships, healing of broken hearts, healing and comfort to those separated by death. So many wounds may be healed through family history and the temple ordinances. This healing can occur on both sides of the veil.

Elder Dale G. Renlund teaches: “Family history and temple work [provide] the power to heal that which [needs] healing . . . God, in His infinite capacity, seals and heals individuals and families despite tragedy, loss, and hardship” (Dale G. Renlund, “Family History and Temple Work: Sealing and Healing,” Ensign, May 2018).

Elder Renlund
Elder Dale G. Renlund

As we turn our hearts to our ancestors, we can heal our hearts and we can offer that opportunity for healing to those who have gone before us.

Offering of Love

People come into our life for various reasons and lengths of time. Some are there for mere moments, but the effects are powerful and life changing. I wonder at times if these moments from prior decades were meant to be so that necessary things can occur later, much like Esther “who knoweth whether (I am) come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” (Esther 4:14).


I was given the unique opportunity to “offer unto the Lord an offering in righteousness” (Doctrine and Covenants 128:24). This opportunity began with an article I wrote that included a memory of a dear friend from my youth. I was filled with the desire to seek out my friend when I discovered through an internet search that he had passed away 20 years ago.

My love of family history led me to search for him in FamilySearch. Then finding him and seeing that his ancestors were not there, I was led to find, verify and connect his family to him. My present circumstance gave me the time to do these things. I have felt, and do in this very moment, the sweet presence of my friend. I believe my sacrifice of time and effort with the skills I possess is an acceptable offering. I am grateful for this most unique experience.

Previously, I would have been frustrated with the rule prohibiting me from performing the temple ordinances for my friend's family since he was not in my own family, however, my faith has grown. I recognize the rules are known on both sides of the veil. If I do my part the rules can work in accordance with the Lord’s will.

Elijah appearing to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery

Timing is vital so it may be that information I placed in the proper manner will be found and used at a future day by his loving children or grandchildren. Prayers from the other side of the veil can produce miracles in the hearts and lives of his posterity. My present efforts can be received as gifts of love in the days yet to come.

The blessings our Heavenly Father bestows as we participate in any type of family history effort are abundant and varied. My experiences have taught me that the scripture in Malachi also applies to this work:

“Prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it” (Malachi 3:10).