Food in Our Pantry, Oil in Our Lamps

Life is easy until it’s not. Today is the day to prepare for what lies ahead.

woman putting food in cupboard

I became a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in 1977 and have loved the timeless and endless opportunities to learn, love, and live the gospel of Jesus Christ. With family and friends, I have eagerly embraced every opportunity to learn more about food storage.

I find untold joy in checking out sales to replenish my home storage. The most cost-effective way to keep your shelves full is to buy one or two items at a time when they are on sale. For those starting out on this inspiring journey, the most important step is to begin.

home canning jars

Peace of mind comes from being prepared

Two years ago, when there was talk of spiralling food costs and empty shelves, a friend and I went shopping. We had so much fun finding items on sale that even a few clerks joined in to help us. Some of our best deals were found in stores we had never gone to before. We found everything from wipes to jars of beets. Most items were only $1.25 each! Without realizing it, we had shown ourselves that we do not have to spend a lot of money stocking up.

An unexpected blessing and pleasant surprise occurred when I discovered that “best before” dates on canned goods, for example, are often two years away. This allows me to enjoy a delicious, rotating food storage for up to two years. This is amazing! Who knew? They make great all-occasion gifts as well!

It is so uplifting when someone says, “I’m out of ketchup” (or peaches or whatever), and I say, “Go and have a look in my storeroom.” It is gratifying to both of us when they find what they need. There are few things more rewarding than knowing you are prepared should anything disrupt your life.

President Russell M.Nelson
President Russell M.Nelson

Our safety depends upon following the Prophet

We have been told, “We know we need to be prepared because should adversity come, we may care for ourselves and our neighbours and support bishops as they care for others.” [i]

President Nelson says, “The Lord told us with simple but stunning reassurance, ‘If ye are prepared, ye shall not fear.’ [ii] What a promise! It is one that can literally change the way we see our future.” [iii] He continues, “If preparation is our key to embracing this dispensation and our future with faith, how can we best prepare?” [iv]

“We encourage members worldwide to prepare for adversity in life by having a basic supply of food that are a part of your normal diet, water and some money in savings. We ask that you be wise, and do not go to extremes. With careful planning, you can, over time, establish a home storage supply and a financial reserve. [v]

72 hour kit

The most important step of all is to begin

As you plan for emergencies (and they are inevitable), here are four basic steps to consider:

Calculate and purchase the amount of food your family needs for a week, building up to a three-month and then a long-term supply. [vi]

A two-week supply of water is recommended. This is approximately 14 gallons (53 litres) per adult.

A 72-hour kit is a personal 'grab-and-go' bag containing essential supplies to help a person survive for at least three days (72 hours) until help arrives. [vii]

We are counselled to have an emergency fund [viii] sufficient to cover living expenses for at least one month.

Jesus Christ Simon Dewey
Used with permission. Lead, Kindly Light, by Simon Dewey. Courtesy of © 2022.

Temporal preparation only is not enough

President Nelson warned, “For decades, the Lord’s prophets have urged us to store food, water, and financial reserves for a time of need. The current pandemic has reinforced the wisdom of that counsel. I urge you to take steps to be temporally prepared. But I am even more concerned about your spiritual and emotional preparation.” He further reminds us, “These are the latter days, so none of us should be surprised when we see prophecy fulfilled.” [ix] The days ahead may not be easy, but they will be easier if we heed the counsel and directions of the Prophet. We are promised safety and even glory if we do.

Oil lamp

President Nelson promises that “as we create places of security, prepare our minds to be faithful to God, and never stop preparing, God will bless us. He will “deliver us; yea, insomuch that he [will] speak peace to our souls, and [will] grant unto us great faith, and … cause us that we [can] hope for our deliverance in him. As you prepare to embrace the future with faith, these promises will be yours!” [x]

While temporal preparation is of vital importance, the need for spiritual preparation and drawing near to the Lord has never been greater. It is critical to fill our pantries with food, but even more urgent to fill our lamps with oil. We must make our homes and stakes a refuge from the storm. We do this by diligently seeking the word of the Lord, worshiping in the temple, serving those around us, and keeping our covenants. In the days ahead, our survival will depend upon following the Prophet and heeding the promptings of the Spirit. I bear witness that this is true for all of us. May we prepare now for the days ahead.