With all of life’s demands on our time and resources, we can feel completely exhausted and incapable of reaching out to assist others. These feelings can often depress us and tempt us into thinking that we can never “measure up”. The adversary would have us believe that we cannot make a difference in the lives of others and should restrict our efforts to satisfying only our own needs. It is at these times that we can turn to our Savior Jesus Christ for comfort, solace and direction. In Matthew 11:28, He tells us to “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn of me: for I am meek and lowly of heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.”
Our Savior enlightens our understanding as He counsels us to “Love one another,” and when by our actions we do this, He assures us that “all men shall know that we are His disciples.” Thus we have the time, energy and capability of doing. There are brothers and sisters all around who yearn for nothing more than to be recognized, appreciated and provided with a small portion of our time and attention. It does not take riches or grand schemes to touch the lives of others. We simply need to pause, look around and reach out in friendship to one who is lost, hurt or lowly in heart. In these acts of simple kindness, we follow the example of the Savior as he gently touched the lives of those he encountered in His travels.
As I travel about in the performance of my leadership responsibilities, I am continually presented with opportunities to share the blessings that the Lord has given to me - my time and resources. What is often most appreciated is a kind word or a listening ear. As we give of ourselves, we give what is most precious.
It is my prayer that we will take the time to “Cheer up the sad and make someone feel glad.” Let’s make an effort to lighten the burdens of others and share the wonderful blessings we have received from our Heavenly Father. Let’s “wake up and do something more than dream of our mansions on high. Doing good is a pleasure, a joy beyond measure, a blessing of duty and love.”