Submission Guidelines: How To Contribute To

Submission Guidelines: How To Contribute To Canada.Lds.Org is a website sponsored by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for adult and youth members in English and French speaking areas of Canada. Thank you for your desire to share your talents and inspirational experiences with other readers. could not fulfill its purpose without the help of contributors like you. accepts for review unsolicited manuscripts. It’s best if you simply submit your article for our editors to review. Please note that all submissions are made on speculation; we cannot guarantee publication. Please also be aware that it takes months before articles will be posted.

Our general, ongoing needs are as follows:

  • To publish a wide range of diversified articles from all across Canada.
  • Faith in Jesus Christ: describe personal gospel experiences relating to the Saviour’s ministry and mission as well as insights about the Atonement, grace, healing, hope, or repentance.
  • Inspirational Stories: write about spiritual experiences or insights that teach a gospel topic or principle. Share your testimony and describe blessings that come from obedience to gospel principles and covenants.
  • Marriage and Parenthood: include uplifting life experiences, stories, and examples of how to strengthen marital and family relationships.
  • Family History: explain blessings that come from doing family history research and doing temple ordinances and how such work affected you in spiritual ways.
  • Missionary Service: recount experiences in reaching out to others, sharing the gospel, as well as conversion or re-activation experiences,
  • Service: describe examples and blessings from helping others through faithful ministering, working on Church welfare projects, or other service opportunities.
  • Community Co-operation: describe inter-faith activities that help others in need and strengthen community relationships.
  • Provident Living: share practical ideas and motivational experiences for being self-reliant and being prepared to cope with financial, physical, and emotional stresses.
  • Sabbath Day and the Sacrament: describe ways to observe the Sabbath day, publicly and privately, and detail examples on the role of the sacrament in strengthening your faith.
  • Singles: We post articles on topics of interest to unmarried Latter-day Saints (never-married, widowed, divorced), particularly articles written by single members. Articles should share helpful insights and positive approaches to challenges faced by Latter-day Saints of any age.

Here are a few other things you might consider as you prepare your manuscript:

  • To get an accurate feel for what publishes, we recommend reading a number of recent articles.
  • Be doctrinally sound. Include statements from living prophets and apostles in your work, and include quotes from the scriptures.
  • Keep your tone personal but not preachy. Teach the principle but not the application. Let readers draw their own conclusions from the experience you share.
  • Submit your best work. Take the time to spell-check and grammar-check your article and make other improvements. The editors are happy to work with an author whose work is accepted in order to make each article the best that it can be.
  • We are inviting you to follow the example of Nephi when he wrote the Small Plates: “For the fullness of my intent is that I may persuade men to come unto the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, and be saved. Wherefore, the things which are pleasing unto the world I do not write, but the things which are pleasing unto God and unto those who are not of the world.” (I Nephi 6: 4-5)

What We Cannot Use—Please do not send any of the following:

  • Manuscripts of which you are not the original author, including those written by deceased family members. These are better kept in your personal family histories.
  • Manuscripts sent anonymously or under a pen name. We do print articles under a “name withheld” byline occasionally, but we must have the author’s actual name and contact information to be able to obtain rights to the article. Our editors will keep this information confidential, but we cannot work with an article where there is no contact information given.
  • Near-death experiences or other exceptionally personal or sensitive material.
  • Manuscripts that make disparaging remarks or espouse an adversarial relationship with those of another race or differing religious, political, and philosophical persuasions.
  • Fiction, plays, poems, self-promotion, or travelogues.
  • Sacrament meeting talks, lessons, or other addresses you’ve given. Often these have great content, but please take the time to turn them into an article before you send them to us. It’s particularly helpful if you focus on personal experiences.
  • Advertising or promotion of commercial products.
  • Unsolicited, standalone photography or artwork. If you have picture(s) to go with an article you’re submitting, we can accept them.

Preparing and Submitting Your Manuscript:

  • Generally, manuscripts should be 600 to 800 words in length and pictures can be included.
  • Please include your name, address, email address, phone number(s), and ward and stake or branch and district with your manuscript submission.
  • Submit your manuscript online at If you do not have computer access, please ask a family member or local leaders to assist you in submitting your article.
  • The editors will contact the author by email with questions or editing suggestions. Once the author has approved a final draft, the author(s) will need to sign a Creative Works Unlimited License. Also, any individuals named or pictured in an article may be asked to sign Release to Use forms.

Remuneration, Copyrights, and Publication:

  • We accept donated submissions only.
  • Once the editors submit an article to the publishers, it will generally not be posted for a number of months. Keep watching the website for the posting of your article.

Thanks Again: We appreciate your interest in and hope that this information will be helpful to you as you consider sharing your insights and experiences with other members of the Church.