The website is looking for faith-promoting Family History stories to publish. According to the Area Plan for the United States and Canada, one Area Priority is to “enable the salvation of the dead by identifying ancestors and performing vicarious temple ordinances for them.” The specific Area Goals are that members will: “find family names, take family names to the temple for ordinances and teach others to do the same.”

The RootsTech 2018 conference recently took place from February 28 to March 3, 2018. Thousands of family storytellers and historians met in Salt Lake City to learn about collecting, preserving, and sharing family stories. Many of the conference sessions can still be viewed on, making RootsTech events and classes accessible to thousands of online participants.
The 2018 RootsTech Family Discovery Day took place on Saturday, March 3, 2018. Members of the Church around the world are invited to view these sessions on President Dallin H. Oaks of the First Presidency, and his wife, Sister Kristen M. Oaks were the featured keynote speakers.

At the end of their presentation, they encouraged us to share the following ideas with our families:
The power of family stories and traditions.
The importance of training children and youth.
All this leads to increased individual and family strength.
We invite all to Family Search, the largest family gathering in the world.
Remember—your ancestors are waiting for you to connect with them.
President Oaks emphasized that “…we discover the existence and great qualities of those who have gone before. We gather them into our hearts and the binding links of our family organizations, and connect them into eternal families through the ordinances of the temple.” He also reminded us of these prophetic words of President Russell M. Nelson, “While temple and family history work has the power to bless those beyond the veil, it has an equal power to bless the living. It has a refining influence on those who are engaged in it” (Ensign, May 2010).

Some other related family history resources that can be accessed are the following:
the ministry of local temple and family history consultants.
Through such resources, many Canadian individuals and families may have successfully implemented family history and temple goals. Their stories can inspire and teach others to develop stronger faith, be better able to participate in the work of salvation more effectively, and become better followers of Jesus Christ. With these goals in mind, Church members are invited to submit articles about their family history experiences for publication on

Generally, stories on the website are from 800 to 1000 words in length. Pictures can be included. Writers are encouraged to include references to scriptures, conference talks, or hymns. Website specialists will edit each submission and send rough drafts to the writer. Once a writer approves a final draft, she/he will be asked to sign a Creative Works License that gives permission for publication on the website. Also, any individuals named or pictured in an article may be asked to sign release forms.
Stories can be submitted to Each submission should include the following: (a) writer’s name, (b) E-mail address, (c) home address, (d) phone number, (e) home Ward and Stake.