Thannia grew up in Mexico but later moved to Toronto, Ontario with her parents and three younger siblings. Some unique experiences helped strengthen Thannia’s faith to know that the Lord watches over her.
Thannia was raised in the Catholic faith. Although her family didn’t attend their church that often, Thannia would often bribe her sister to go with her. Thannia was interested to learn more about the Mormon Church. She had questions and was seeking some answers.
Thannia first learned about the “Mormon Church” through a friend, but she did not actively find out very much about it. Time passed, and she began to be more interested in getting more information about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. So, she began talking to the missionaries online through After some encouragement from the online Elders, Thannia decided to go to a Mormon Church.

As things turned out, an LDS meetinghouse was only a few minutes’ walk from where she and her family were living. Once she reached the Church, Thannia was nervous to come inside, but an inspired Bishop caught sight of her. He introduced himself, and then he introduced her to us, the Sister missionaries serving in the Ward. Thankfully, we just happened to be at the entrance where she and the Bishop were standing.
After Sacrament meeting, we accompanied Thannia to the Gospel Principles Class and, later on, Relief Society. In between classes, we introduced her to many of the Young Single Adult members. Thannia especially hit it off with Sister Kikongi, wife of the Second Counselor in the Branch Presidency. Sister Kikongi could speak Spanish too! She was very instrumental in helping Thannia through her conversion to know if this was really God’s path for her to follow. Sister Kikongi came to many of our missionary lessons and shared her own conversion story. I know that this helped Thannia so much!

A short time passed, and Thannia attended a Young Single Adult conference with a friend of hers. It was there that she felt the Spirit witness to her heart that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is true. She felt strongly that this was the path that she needed to follow! She texted us and said that she wanted to be baptized. We were so happy!

On September 4, 2016, Thannia was baptized. Her whole family came: her parents, her two brothers, and her sister. Her family also attended her confirmation at the following Sacrament Meeting after her baptism. Brother Kikongi was there to confirm her a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and to bestow upon her the Gift of the Holy Ghost. (1 Nephi 13: 37)

A month following her baptism, Thannia went to the temple to do baptisms for the dead.
Thannia will always remain a big part of my heart! She is amazing! I love her so much!