Area Seventy Messages
I am pleased to share this message with our brothers and sisters and friends in Canada.
Recently in a busy airport, I (amidst many others) was moving as quickly as I could through long lines and crowded spaces.
“When we find ourselves in deep, turbulent waters, I hope we reach up and towards our Saviour and never give up hope.”
“I noticed a special code, a code of conduct. This code of conduct is crucial, both inside and outside of our council meetings. Whenever we come together, we must come prepared to conduct ourselves in the manner the Lord has taught.”
Area leaders for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Canada express their wishes for a peaceful and joyful 2016. They encourage us to extend unconditional love to all and to look to the Saviour’s Atonement as a source of renewal and change.
'If we are on the Lord’s side—if we love Him more than the world—it will be reflected in our daily living.' [Elder Donald L. Hallstrom]
'If you love me, do it my way because it is the right way.'
It may seem as if this advice is too simple for these deep-rooted problems, but the Golden Rule does work and will work because it comes from God.
With the Lord's intervention, the blessings of ancestry and posterity would be preserved.
“...I perceive that ye are in the path which leads to the kingdom of God”