
“Knowing I am a child of God is the most powerful knowledge I possess!” (Jen)
In the Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families for June 10-16, 2019, President Russell M. Nelson invites us to “invest time in learning about the Savior and His atoning sacrifice.”
The Father whispered, “Son I am with you.”
I am grateful for the moments the Savior has helped me stand when I don’t have the strength to stand on my own.
“My trial went from pointless pain and suffering to having a purpose—we go through trials so we can rise out of them better people.”
“It is the only ordinance I can think of where we are asked to formally recommit to living up to our promises on a regular basis.” Sister Bonnie L. Oscarson
He simply did not understand why anyone would want to repent.
“Survivors need to hear they aren’t at fault and that Heavenly Father still loves them and has never stopped. They need to hear it over and over again” Deondra Brown
“As I celebrate Christmas in the coming years, I will continue to reflect on my little wooden box.”
”When we put our trust in Christ, give Him the glory and have faith in his power, miracles can happen!” Carmen Letourneau
Family Support Services offers a confidential phone-in group, for women only, that strengthens us in our individual situations.
Coming to terms with my brother’s suicide.