
I readily accessed the prophet’s writings online—the Joseph Smith Papers. Never have I been so edified and enlightened.
President Nelson announces changes in Church’s policy related to witnesses.
When we walk into the waters of baptism, we are also following in the footsteps of Jesus.
President M. Russell Ballard said gospel invitations — especially invitations to be baptized — should be Spirit-led.
“You’re going to love Raymond.”
His example of repentance is a miracle in my life that will always be proof for me that faith in Jesus Christ truly does change lives.
How do you prove the Resurrection?
“Being ‘born again’ is another name for conversion.” (Elder J. Devin Cornish)
“The experiences that I had with Bona are truly tender mercies from the Lord.”
She still looked really confused and added, “I thought you came here because of me.”
“Suddenly, I realized that by serving others all my life, I had already been serving our Holy Father.”
“And, situations being what they were in our tiny branch, he was baptized in a hot tub.”