Book of Mormon

The new Moroni episode will be the last video of the Book of Mormon Videos series to be published before 2022.
This higher law commands us to strive continually to follow Christ’s perfect example.
I testify that I have heard Him as I have sought Him even during this hard and trying year.
To this day, my conscience springs into action if I watch too much TV. What a time waster.
The physical isolation caused by a pandemic is compelling people to reach out in new ways, listen with new ears, to seek truths, and turn their hearts to their families.
The underlying lesson this parable is trying to teach is that we need be watchful in obeying the commandments of God.
Through our individual efforts and ongoing social media support from ward, stake, and Church leaders, we have been able not only to continue to hallow the Sabbath day but also to draw closer as a couple as we worship in our home.
As we seek not to judge our family tree but learn to appreciate it, we can help mend breaks through the healing and sealing power bestowed through Jesus Christ in His holy temples.
Experiencing the thrill of spiritual growth—the enlarging of my soul, the enlightening of my understanding, the partaking of the fruits of faith—truly is the most delicious and satisfying aspect of my entire life.
There are three main ways that “the virtue of the word” of God will bless us and our families.
As we face the uncertainties of dealing with COVID-19, riots, natural and man-made disasters, or other trials, we can be inspired by the examples of the sons of Mosiah.
I was overcome with such joy knowing that Gay Marie is still active in the Church and sharing her testimony with those around her.