
“We are thrilled to recognize Blakelee Zuidhof for her civic-mindedness and amazing personal integrity!” (Mayor Andy Prokop)
Success means doing well those things over which you have control.” (Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles)
“Do your duty and don’t do anything to embarrass your mother.”
We can connect with those who disagree, be firm in our rights, empathize with those around us, and develop a broader perspective.” (Sister Joy D. Jones)
“There is nothing in this world as personal, as nurturing, or as life changing as the influence of a righteous woman.” (M. Russell Ballard)
“Special recognition is given to a local Relief Society for its contributions to the community for two and an half decades of service.”
With the Sacrament, we take simple and common things and make them something powerful. In the end, that’s almost a synopsis of God’s plan for each of us. He knows that each of us, normal people, with all of our individual limitations, have the potential to become something extraordinary.
“He paid the tithing and a miracle happened.”
 “Even though people may think that the standards are a set of ‘rules’ that restrict me, they are quite the opposite. I have no hard choices. I simply have standards. The decisions are already made. I choose it to be easy!”