
How Vancouver Island has become a refuge for the Saints of Zion
The temple is the key to peace in this life and exaltation in the life to come
Scripture power is real! The scriptures will change your life
Home runs, home plates and our heavenly home
What does it really mean to be a child of God?
Ask Heavenly Father for help. Make a plan. Watch what happens
Two prophecies predict a destiny for the restored gospel
'It was like turning on the light in a dark room. Suddenly I was standing in the light. THERE WAS NO PAIN!”
Every conversion is unique 
If I live worthy of the celestial kingdom, I may be allowed to help “carry the message of redemption to all the dead” (Doctrine and Covenants 138:37)
A winding path from Sweden to Canada
A journey through time and space of an 1870’s family Bible