
“To survive spiritually, we need counterstrategies and proactive plans.” Russell M. Nelson
If we were unaware of someone watching our every move, how would we fare?
I dropped onto my knees to pray, plead, and listen to what Heavenly Father wanted me to learn from these experiences.
“So, get up, go find your sycamore tree—or find someone’s shoulders to climb up on—to get a better view of Jesus Christ!” (Natalie Zuidhof)
Linda lives to show love for others through service.
“You can’t take it with you.”
Jesus has never stopped calling my name and extending His arm of mercy towards me.
After a short prayer and a spiritual confirmation of our decision, we took the northern route.
How do you prove the Resurrection?
Responding to great tests, trials, and temptations without faith is the worst thing that can ever happen.
“No matter our desperation, no matter our grief, Sunday will come.” Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin
The foolish man, let's call him Sandy, might have settled on the fastest way to build.