Interfaith Co-operation
The purpose of the prayer breakfast is “to provide a safe place to be inspired to pray for our leaders and to consider the love and relevance of Jesus” ( At the Cunard Centre in Halifax, Nova Scotia, over 430 guests were recently welcomed to the 38th Provincial Leadership Prayer Breakfast for a time of prayer and reflection. Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints participated on the steering committee and as entertainers for the event. The Dartmouth Nova Scotia Stake presidency and area public affairs directors attended the event.
“…it was important to celebrate the differences as well as the similarities among faith groups.” John MacLennan
“I call it the ‘sweat shop’ – piles of fabric and rolls of batting sandwiched with individual quilt tops, sewing machines running on ‘fast’, trimmers and turners…”
Local faith community representatives were invited to read from sacred texts and to offer prayers on behalf of peace.
Several hundred youth join youth of other faiths in a local community project to assist children in Haiti.
It may seem as if this advice is too simple for these deep-rooted problems, but the Golden Rule does work and will work because it comes from God.
“They recognized the challenges of such an international effort; however, they did not lack faith.”
During one of the tours in the Stake Centre, an elderly Sikh woman, who couldn’t speak English... pointed to a painting of the resurrected Saviour... [and] noticed the nail prints in the Saviour’s hands, pointed to her own hands, so that Elaine would know what she was focused on, and wept. My wife knew precisely what the woman was expressing, and wept with her
Love and virtue, faith and wisdom, Grace and gifts were all combined. As himself each loved his neighbor; All were one in heart and mind