
“These unique challenges will pass in due time. I remain optimistic for the future.” (President Russell M. Nelson)
This neighbour of mine set an example of Christlike compassion with her sincere prayer.
By combining our lights, we help each other to find our way.
“This is how we connect with the people. We serve, eat, sing, and dance with and for each other.” (President Stephen A. Keung)
“Light the World presents marvelous opportunities to invite friends and neighbors to church and to your homes to learn with you about the Savior.” (Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles)
Jan Derksen (back boy on an Allied tank, top, and middle) from Holland was saved from starvation when “Soldier Whitehead” shared his rations with him.
We can connect with those who disagree, be firm in our rights, empathize with those around us, and develop a broader perspective.” (Sister Joy D. Jones)
“This work is moving forward at an accelerated pace. I can just hardly wait to bounce out of bed each morning and see what the day will bring.” (President Russell M. Nelson)
This commandment, I hope, is not meant to be a constant source of heartache for individuals like me.
“He did not say a word during the entire discussion that Sunday, keeping his eyes fixed to the ground or the wall.”
“Simply stated, we strive to build bridges of cooperation rather than walls of segregation.” President Russell M. Nelson
“You’re going to love Raymond.”