Missionary Service

Meet the three new couples who are leading Canadian missions
How a miracle brought these mission leaders to Canada
It was as if President Ballard had spoken directly to the man we were teaching.
The Lord sent me to Canada for a reason...He also had a reason for my next call. He prepared people for me to teach wherever I was.”
We should live with the hope to become one of Christ’s proven jewels.
“Through a lifetime of service in this Church, I have learned that it really doesn’t matter where one serves. What the Lord cares about is how one serves.” (President Russell M. Nelson)
The words of that hymn helped me realize that I needed to submit my mission application papers as soon as possible.
“Why do all the streets in this area start with the name Scout?”
While Bitner was serving his mission, he phoned his mom and told her that he had recently had a dream that his younger brother Raiden would be his last companion.
I worried too much about what others would think, and I spent the next four years striving to repent.
As we face the uncertainties of dealing with COVID-19, riots, natural and man-made disasters, or other trials, we can be inspired by the examples of the sons of Mosiah.
Did your mission take a surprising turn? Here are tips from someone who understands a bit of what you are going through.