Missionary Work

Anything troubling you? ASK, and ye shall receive!
Two prophecies predict a destiny for the restored gospel
We could not stop smiling and knowing that Heavenly Father led us to her at the perfect moment.
I had just learned from a truly humble young dairy farmer answers to some of my angst-driven big questions.
I decided to make a Christ-centred statement for every principle in the missionary lessons outlined in Preach My Gospel.
As I prayed, I clearly heard the Spirit whisper to me, “You are an eternal family.”
When we met going in opposite directions, Elder Hirsche looked to us and hopefully asked, “Do you have a French Book of Mormon?”
Elder Andersen extends six belief related admonitions.
I felt the whisperings of the Holy Ghost prompt me that the most important thing that I needed to tell her was about Joseph Smith’s First Vision.
We promised them that as they put the effort in and brought questions to general conference, they would have their questions answered.
Elder Uchtdorf encouraged today’s missionaries to reach out to people in person or through modern technology.
Take 10 minutes to view Special Witnesses of Christ videos by President M. Russell Balllard and Elder Jeffrey R. Holland.