
It’s not what’s written on the New Testament’s pages, it’s what’s engraved on our heart
One easy way to show gratitude this Christmas season.
I came to understand that I could not live by dwelling on the past nor stressing about the future. I needed to live in the present.
“Music provides power for us to express prayerful thoughts and bear testimony of sacred truths.” (President Russell M. Nelson)
COVID-19 quarantine restrictions bring challenges to all of us, but they also afford great opportunities—many social interactions are now virtual.
Remember that whom the Lord calls, the Lord qualifies” (President Thomas S. Monson)
Learning music skills “precept upon precept” reveals a pattern for how we can acquire faith in Jesus Christ through personal revelation.
Working together to create a hymnbook and children’s songbook for the global Church of Jesus Christ.
How to include the Tabernacle Choir and Orchestra in your Easter plans.
“The name may change, but everything that people know and love about the choir will not only be the same but will get better and better.” Ron Jarrett
Be a part of creating the new global hymnbook and children’s songbook!
“Faith is a joyful sound played on different instruments.” (Reverend Laurie Deacon, Saint Aidan’s Presbyterian Church)