“I invite you to think deeply and often about this key question: How do you hear Him?” (President Russell M. Nelson)
“He wasn’t putting on Christ’s whole armor—and neither are you, Gary!”
“Because of my schedule, I had become casual with my prayers and scripture study.” (Elder Dale G. Renlund)
This commandment, I hope, is not meant to be a constant source of heartache for individuals like me.
“Marriage OK’d by President David O. McKay. Please send recommend.”
“Remember, not a season of life passes without temptation, trial, or torment, whether spiritually or physically.” President Russell M. Nelson
The best time to serve is when the Lord confirms the time is right.
The unexpected additional blessing was peace and quiet as I left the world behind and prepared to enter the Lord’s house.
The foolish man, let's call him Sandy, might have settled on the fastest way to build.
“I’m praying for him,” he said, referring to the principal who had ended his distinguished basketball-coaching career.
“Being ‘born again’ is another name for conversion.” (Elder J. Devin Cornish)
In some ways, ministering is like beginning a new road trip every day.