
Did you ever shout for joy on the way to math class?
We all experience the anvil of life – thankfully, God is the blacksmith
How taking small moments to pause offers big dividends
We can be co-creators of our lives with God by the guidance we seek from Him and the choices we make.
Wind, however, took on a new meaning when I read the story of the Jaredites crossing the waters to come to the promised land.
When we “wait upon the Lord,” we expect His help in our daily lives.
We must keep the doctrine and gospel of Jesus Christ at the center of our goals and plans.” (President M. Russell Ballard)
The promises made in Revelation 2-3 can be likened unto ourselves.
The Holy Ghost can correct our mortal myopia with the sustaining power to visualize our sufferings with an eternal perspective.
Church members in the far north face unique challenges, including vast distances, isolation, and often extreme weather conditions.
“I gathered my family and assured them everything would be okay and that we had lost only the material things…”
“Ministering To Our Father’s Children” is a series of articles compiling selected journal excerpts of Brother Christensen, who has travelled to many parts of the world providing charitable service to the poorest of our Heavenly Father's children, many living under the most severe of conditions. Experiences he describes [without editing] have been organized into collections that demonstrate Christ-like attributes or qualities shown by these wonderful people.