Sabbath Day
“The woman then asked me, ‘Do you think cats have souls?’ I pray for missionary opportunities and for the courage to know how to act on them,” he said. “Here was a missionary opportunity delivered right onto my lap.”
With the Sacrament, we take simple and common things and make them something powerful. In the end, that’s almost a synopsis of God’s plan for each of us. He knows that each of us, normal people, with all of our individual limitations, have the potential to become something extraordinary.
“Travelling long distances is a small price to pay for the benefit and blessing of participating in sacred ordinances.”
“We realized that there was nothing different in our home or in our society that indicated to me that it wasn't just any other day of the week. We determined right then to make sure that we made Sunday an obvious Sabbath day in our home, so that we and our children would always know when it was the Lord’s Day.”
“There are many things that have affected my life this last week since conference, and I suspect will continue to in the future.”
“For me, this was the hardest thing I ever did. For all my years of playing soccer I had dreamed of playing on the HPL soccer team, and felt bad to upset the coach by telling him I would not play on Sunday.”