
Pioneer Day is also a time to remember and celebrate the arrival of pioneers in Canada
The “empty tomb” is the world’s greatest gift
How a promise from President Hinckley provides eternal blessings for church members in Nova Scotia
A prophet who lived thousands of years ago can still teach us something today
Exhibit at Galt Museum in Lethbridge, Alberta is open until February 7, 2022.
The world is preparing for the Second Coming
“Thou hast been faithful; wherefore…thou shalt be made strong.” (Ether 12:37)
Give a part of your heart with each gift.
Take 10 minutes to view Special Witnesses of Christ videos by Elder Neil L. Andersen and Elder Ronald A Rasband and learn greater appreciation for what Latter-day Saint pioneers can teach us today about having extra-ordinary faith in Jesus Christ.
“Do your duty and don’t do anything to embarrass your mother.”
After surviving multiple instances of traumatic stress violence, Abraham as a younger man knew that the only way to endure any future tests and trials was to live by faith.
“Marriage OK’d by President David O. McKay. Please send recommend.”