There is a palpable influence that beckons viewers to “come unto Christ” (Doctrine and Covenants 20:59) that emanates from the marble creation of the Christus.
Elder Gerrit W. Gong will dedicate Canada’s ninth temple.
“Each time we renovate a temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, decommissioning occurs to remove sacred items and turn the building into a construction site.” (Rich Sutton)
I truly would stumble and be blind without these and other precious truths found on the pages of the Book of Mormon.
“I can hardly wait to bounce out of bed each morning and see what the day will bring.” (President Russell M. Nelson)
“We take seriously the responsibility to care for the tithes and donations received from members.” (The First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints)
While standards to enter a temple stay the same, these modifications better prepare Latter-day Saints for worship in temples
“You now have 10 temples in these nations that we visited, and more coming.” (President Russell M. Nelson)
I soon realized that the sacred pages of antique photos and rich stories that I had spent the last 65 years compiling were gathering dust on my bookshelves.
“We promise that you will love the results,” said President Nelson. “They will emphasize and highlight the life, ministry, and mission of Jesus Christ in His desire to bless every nation, kindred, tongue and people.” President Russell M. Nelson
“This is how I want heaven to be. I can’t imagine it being any different.” Sister Vanna Parisi
Dedicated in 1923, the Alberta Temple (later renamed the Cardston Alberta Temple) was the first outside of the United States and its territories.