The strength of the Church is largely determined by the strength of its bishops and branch presidents.
“[This experience] is definitely one way that Heavenly Father is showing His great power and mercy by answering our collective prayers.” Marcelo Ulloa
Did your mission take a surprising turn? Here are tips from someone who understands a bit of what you are going through.
During this bicentennial year, we should be actively seeking ways to view, read, study, and share “The Restoration of the Fulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ: A Bicentennial Proclamation to the World.”
It was a privilege to visit the Sacred Grove and Hill Cumorah but feeling the Spirit of the Lord is what strengthened my faith that Jesus is the Living Christ.
Take at least 10 minutes to view, read, and study this 2018 Special Witnesses of Christ video by President Russell M. Nelson.
Take 10 minutes to view Special Witnesses of Christ videos by Elder Neil L. Andersen and Elder Ronald A Rasband and learn greater appreciation for what Latter-day Saint pioneers can teach us today about having extra-ordinary faith in Jesus Christ.
Take 10 minutes to view Special Witnesses of Christ videos by Elder Gary E. Stevenson and Elder Dale G. Renlund and learn more about the Book of Mormon and the eternal blessings of temples.
Take 10 minutes to view Special Witnesses of Christ videos by Elder Gerrit W. Gong and Elder Ulisses Soares and learn more about loving God and loving others
Take 10 minutes to view two Special Witnesses of Christ videos every day for 8 days, finishing with President Nelson’s testimony of Jesus Christ on Easter Sunday, April 12, 2020.
“I’ve experienced life without the restored gospel. I want to live the gospel in its fullness.” (Lillie Taylor, recently baptized)
I testify that out of suffering we have emerged stronger.