“So, get up, go find your sycamore tree—or find someone’s shoulders to climb up on—to get a better view of Jesus Christ!” (Natalie Zuidhof)
Jesus has never stopped calling my name and extending His arm of mercy towards me.
“My trial went from pointless pain and suffering to having a purpose—we go through trials so we can rise out of them better people.”
Do the spiritual work to find out for yourselves, and please do it now. Time is running out.” (President Russell M. Nelson)
“We share the same message today that Apostles shared long ago—that God lives and that Jesus is the Christ.” (President Russell M. Nelson)
As you seek to learn more about Jesus Christ, I urge you to study ’The Living Christ.’” (President Russell M. Nelson)
Sister Wendy Nelson Shares Her Personal Witness of President Nelson's Prophetic Calling and Ministry
“I can take any witness stand in any nation on the earth to tell you for sure that Russell Marion Nelson has been called by God to be the Lord’s prophet on the earth at this time.” (Sister Wendy W. Nelson)
My mother grew up during the Cultural Revolution, so I was astonished to see that these two Latter-day Saint missionaries bypassed “The Great Walls” she had built around herself.
She still looked really confused and added, “I thought you came here because of me.”
“I came to the realization after that phone call that if I hadn’t gone through certain experiences, they would have been burying me as well.”
“The blessing I gave that sounded ‘like a goodbye’ really was—a goodbye to his old life and a renewal of his new life as a follower of Christ.”