
I think I finally have put my foot on the path to truly comprehend the “Character of God.”
No matter our journey in life—faith and trust in God will make it bearable.
“Thou hast been faithful; wherefore…thou shalt be made strong.” (Ether 12:37)
Thus, I began a quest to learn more of my war veteran’s story.
In my personal Liberty Jail experiences, I have seen the arms of Christ revealed.
The Lord acknowledges our sincere efforts, even when those efforts do not yield the results we anticipate.
“Not all angels are from the other side of the veil. Some of them we walk with and talk with—here, now, every day. Some of them reside in our own neighborhoods.” (Elder Jeffrey R. Holland)
Following in the footsteps of Jesus was never intended to be easy.
Even though it is hard to re-examine traumatic experiences, remembering is how to heal.
With a determination to follow Jesus Christ, we can create a home comparable to the temple in sacredness.
The Lord sent me to Canada for a reason...He also had a reason for my next call. He prepared people for me to teach wherever I was.”
President Nelson’s leadership demonstrates that the Lord is in charge.