
I sank to the ground and cried out, “Dave! What do we do?” He replied resolutely, “We planned to go to the pageant. We are going to the pageant.”
What do you need?” Sometimes, wonderful things spring from a simple question.
President Nelson’s forward-looking perspective encourages me to look forward past my challenges.
As President Nelson suggested, I am “astounded!” I believe you may be astounded too.
When general conference began, the Spirit began to speak a different story to me.
God was bringing His servants home, so that they could go back out and keep serving Him later.
My home truly has become a holy place for me.
The Lord will walk with us and carry us even when we have no strength of our own to move forward
President Russell M. Nelson is specially prepared “for such a time as this.”
I came to understand that I could not live by dwelling on the past nor stressing about the future. I needed to live in the present.
As I prayed, I clearly heard the Spirit whisper to me, “You are an eternal family.”
Many of my sweetest experiences have come while bearing a cross.