At the edge of civilization, the Yellowknife Branch conquers cold, distance and discouragement
My journal is filled with many inspirations and revelations that began with a few words spoken from the pulpit during a sacrament meeting.
“Your commitment to make your home your primary sanctuary of faith should never end.” (President Russell M. Nelson)
The buildings we meet in may be special to us, but not nearly as special as what takes place inside them.
Stake conferences (starting November 2020) and weekly worship (now) can resume in a variety of ways, as local circumstances allow.
Frequent revelation is not just for prophets—it’s available to us too!
Pandemic sparks creativity as congregations look for ways to remain connected.
Through our individual efforts and ongoing social media support from ward, stake, and Church leaders, we have been able not only to continue to hallow the Sabbath day but also to draw closer as a couple as we worship in our home.
The strength of the Church is largely determined by the strength of its bishops and branch presidents.
New Canadian temple presidents and matrons are called; temples to re-open observing all government and public health directives.