As I began reading the March 22-28, 2021 Come, Follow Me lesson, which focuses on Doctrine and Covenants 29, I could not help but experience an immense sense of gratitude for the knowledge of the plan of salvation. Knowing God’s plan brings peace, comfort, and blessings into my life and to the lives of many others.
Teaching Others about the Plan of Salvation
In my early 20’s, I was blessed to serve in the California Ventura Mission as a full-time Spanish speaking sister missionary. It truly was one of the best 18 months of my life. As I spent my days teaching others about the gospel of Jesus Christ, I was able to witness so many miracles in people’s lives. One of my favourite teaching moments as a missionary was when we taught the lesson about “The Plan of Salvation” (Preach My Gospel: A Guide to Missionary Service, rev. ed. [2018]).
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Whenever we taught people about their life purpose, talked more about where they came from, what they were doing here on earth, and where they were going after this life, the Spirit would always fill the room and testify of these truths. Our visits were always unique and special, and I felt so privileged to know and teach others about Heavenly Father’s plan of happiness.
Gaining Greater Understanding through Life Trials
After my mission, I continued to see many beautiful miracles because of my knowledge of the plan of salvation. It wasn’t until I experienced my hardest life trials, however, that I truly learned to appreciate the meaning and purpose of the plan of salvation.
![Cardston Alberta Temple](
Shortly after my mission, I was blessed to find and marry my eternal companion for all time and eternity in the Cardston, Alberta Temple.
A short time later we were extremely blessed to begin our parenthood journey with a healthy and happy set of twin girls. Our world was forever changed as we experienced the many blessings that come with growing and raising a family in the gospel.
As we continued to grow our family, we unfortunately experienced several heart-breaking miscarriages. We were left with a lot of physical and spiritual pain and grief. I struggled deeply as I tried to find answers to so many painful questions. I was angry, sad, disappointed, and so confused. As time passed and grief lingered longer and longer, I pleaded with the Lord to help me understand why this was happening to us.
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One day I prayed and pleaded with the Lord for answers. As I prayed, I clearly heard the Spirit whisper to me, “You are an eternal family.” Those simple yet powerful words struck my heart with so much intensity. Those were the words that finally gave me the peace I desperately needed!
In that moment, I was reminded that Heavenly Father’s plan of salvation had made it possible for us to be reunited one day with all the precious souls we had lost along the way. I was reminded that we had been sealed in the Lord’s temple “for time and for all eternity” (Doctrine and Covenants 132:7; italics added), which meant we would be a family both here on earth and after we die. We can be a family forever. I knew that if I continue to be faithful, patient, and trust in God’s timing, we will find the peace and understanding that we needed to accept whatever final plan the Lord had for our family here on this earth.
Blessings of Happiness Now and Forever
At the right time, our family was blessed with one more daughter, and then one year ago a son. Even though it might be hard to see the big picture sometimes, I am so grateful that Heavenly Father loved us so much that He created this perfect plan of happiness for us to enjoy.
At the October 2006 general conference, Elder L Tom Perry said: “We live in a day when we have the witness through the scriptures of the great plan the Lord has given to His children from the beginning of time down to this present and last dispensation. The evidence is well documented; we are not left alone to wander through mortality without knowing of the master plan which the Lord has designed for His children. He has bound Himself by solemn covenant to give us the blessings of heaven according to our obedience to His law. Oh, remember, remember that these things are true, for the Lord God has revealed these eternal truths unto us” (“The Plan of Salvation,” Ensign, Nov. 2006).
It is so comforting to know we do not have to walk alone during our mortal lives. I am glad that we can continue to learn and understand His plan of salvation better after each trial. My hope is that we can all continue to learn and appreciate having the knowledge of the plan of happiness and be able to apply its principles in our every-day lives so that we can live happier, more fulfilling, and Christ-like lives.