As our family began reading the lesson on “The Family: A Proclamation to the World“ (, I could not help but feel a bit of sadness. The last couple of years have been difficult as we all have had and continue to endure a world pandemic. Time apart from our families has been challenging.
For our family it has been a particularly difficult year. We have had to endure much extended earthly family afflictions. We have sadly had to witness couples divorcing, custody battles, sickness, deaths, job losses, tears, and many other afflictions. However, it was comforting to read in the Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families outline for December 13-19, 2021: “There are no guarantees that earthly families will be ideal or even functional. …Families are imperfect and subject to attacks from the adversary.” Studying these words in-depth brought a lot of comfort to my life. It made me realize that many of us go through similar afflictions, and we do not have to do it alone.
Learning to Mend Family Relationships
Thanks to a loving Heavenly Father, our Saviour Jesus Christ, and modern prophets, we can enjoy new revelation that can guide us as families. “The Family: A Proclamation to the World” has been an amazing, powerful tool that can guide us through these crucial modern days. It can guide, protect, and defend our families every day.
As I continued reading the ideas for study, I could not help but think of my earthly family. It particularly made me ask myself, “How is my relationship with my family?” And the answer was not what I wanted to hear! I knew that there were some broken extended family relationships that needed fixing, and I did not want to deal with it.
In this lesson, one of the most humbling “Ideas for Personal Scripture Study” read, “I ‘will be held accountable before God’ for the way I treat my family.” After studying this part in depth, I realized that I needed to repent and humble myself to make the necessary changes to mend those family relationships. I knew that staying offended was prideful and not Christlike. Remembering that the family is central to the Creator’s plan gave me the push I needed to begin the mending process. I am still working through the repentance process and learning how to let go of pride to be able to love, forgive, and build stronger family relations.
Resolving Family Issues
As I apply the Atonement of our Saviour Jesus Christ in my life and follow the guidance of the Holy Ghost, I will be guided in resolving any of my extended family issues. I will know the right timing, the right steps, and the right actions to take. I know that as we all work to maintain our eternal families together, we will be able to enjoy our earthly lives with them even more.
I am very grateful for a loving and supportive husband that has held my hands and heart as I continue to make hard, humbling changes in my life. I am grateful for the amazing children Heavenly Father has given me and for the constant examples of what love and kindness should look like. I am grateful that our families can be together forever. I am grateful for the family proclamation and for its guidance. May we all continue to read, study, ponder, and act upon the words and teachings the proclamation on the family has to offer. I know that as we study it often, we will be able to witness the many miracles and blessings it can bring into our lives.