Elder Anthony Perkins Visits Halifax Young Single Adult Branch
Contributed by Anna M Davison, Director of Public Affairs, Dartmouth Nova Scotia Stake
The Halifax YSA Branch hosted a dinner and fireside with Elder Anthony Perkins of the First Quorum of the Seventy and his wife, Christine, at the Halifax chapel on Thursday, September 17. Elder and Sister Perkins were in town on a tour of the Canada Halifax Mission.
As a member of the First Quorum of Seventy, Elder Perkins has two major responsibilities: to oversee the missions and stakes in northeastern Canada and the USA, and to work closely with the Church's communication department.
Rather than giving a doctrinal talk, Elder Perkins opened the meeting to questions from the YSA group and promised to answer to the best of his knowledge; if he didn't know the answer, he would say “I don’t know”. He also offered to have questions directed to his wife.
The questions and answers included how holding to gospel standards will not jeopardize success in business, how to talk to your friends sincerely about the Church, how a greater understanding of the Atonement grows the desire to share the gospel and many more, pertinent to the group. He shared some personal experiences of interaction with the Apostles, showing how they are normal husbands, fathers and grandfathers doing an extraordinary job and carrying the mantle of authority to speak on behalf of the Lord.
“Elder Perkins spoke about generating sincere motivation and about how to stay focused on the things that matter most. That really resonated with me,” said Emma Hicks, Relief Society President in the YSA branch. “There is so much to be distracted by, and it is not all bad. It all comes down to being able to spiritually prioritize your life and find balance.'
Elder James B. Martino Attends Lethbridge Alberta Stake Conference
Contributed by Heather Jubber, Lethbridge Alberta Stake Communication Specialist
Elder James B. Martino of the Second Quorum of the Seventy attended the conference of the Lethbridge Alberta Stake on Saturday and Sunday, September 12-13. The Stake is presided over by Cameron MacLennan, Gordon Smith and Jim Clark and is in the Canada Calgary Mission and Cardston Alberta Temple district, both of which were represented at the conference.
Elder Martino spoke to the men at a meeting Saturday afternoon. He emphasized the need for leaders and members to use the knowledge and power given them in the premortal existence to proclaim the gospel, perfect the saints, redeem the dead and care for the poor.
At a meeting of stake adult members in the evening, Elder Martino continued his emphasis on combined and coordinated efforts achieve the mission of the Church. He called upon the stake presidency, recent converts, reactivated members, active families and a Relief Society presidency from the congregation to show how councils can function at home and in the Church to help members and others become the individuals the Lord knows each can become. Elder Martino spoke of the word of God being like a seed in Alma, chapter 32 in the life of a person and needing the opportunity to sprout and grow. He spoke of the need for a unanimous voice from councils when they listen and learn and decide what is to be done as in Doctrine and Covenants 107:27. It is essential to be concerned about principles and people.
The Sunday morning session opened with an appeal from President MacLennan to overcome fear as we yield our lives to the Lord. We need to strive to serve others and to become worthy of the blessings of Christ’s great atoning sacrifice. Elder Martino referred to Paul’s messages in letters from Rome that all things work together for the good of them that love the Lord. He spoke of our need to accept Moroni’s counsel to come unto Christ and be perfected in him. He counseled all to honour the Sabbath day, partake of the sacrament and ever strive to live worthily to attend the temple. It is in the temple that we find a fulfillment of the covenant blessing of the Atonement.