“… when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren.” (Luke 22:32)
Often, seemingly unrelated events line up in such a way that, only by looking back do we realize a purposeful chain of events that led too important, life-changing paths. Those links that bind us in faith are no exception. The strength of one faithful member of the Church put Jeremy in a position to receive and share such strength of faith. In turn, Jeremy and Daniel forged a friendship and a new faith as the course of their lives joined in the process of conversion. From there the line of conversion extends forward.
Both Jeremy and Daniel serve as ward missionaries in the Victoria Second Ward and attend lessons with the full-time missionaries when they teach Mandarin speaking investigators.
In the last general conference, Dieter F. Uchtdorf said: “This beautiful gospel is so simple, a child can grasp it…” (It Works Wonderfully! October 2015 General Conference). So, I'm just going to explain about the simple things that help me keep coming to church and help me keep having faith in Jesus Christ. I was taught the gospel of Jesus Christ by sister missionaries when I was an investigator. I know the first principle of the gospel is faith in Jesus Christ. Having faith in Jesus Christ means that we believe that He is the Son of God, that He is the Saviour of the world, that He did come to the earth, that He performed miracles, that He organized His church, that He sacrificed for our sins, that He did rise again and that we believe He lives still.
Although I was never exposed to religion when I lived in China, I know these things are true because I choose to believe. In the scriptures we read '…Now, if ye give place, that a seed may be planted in your heart,…if ye do not cast it out by your unbelief, …”(Alma 32:28) When I chose to believe, when the seed was planted in my heart, the Lord helped me overcome my unbelief. I’ve only been a member for a short while and I believe any member could lose their faith when they face trials and challenges. Even our Saviour's apostle, Peter lost his faith when he walked toward Jesus on the water. He lost his faith even though he lived daily with our Saviour. But brothers and sisters please keep choosing to believe. Keep doing three simple things, praying, reading scriptures and coming to church. I believe when you keep doing these things, the Saviour will bring you back. Many people have asked me, ‘Why do you believe in God? Have you ever seen him?’ No, I’ve never seen our Heavenly Father or His son, Jesus Christ like our prophet Joseph Smith did, but I have seen many miracles performed by His hand.”
When he finishes his degree from the University Jeremy plans to go back to China to work. That work would include spreading the gospel. Daniel would like to stay in Canada and pursue a career here where he was converted. With the strength of their testimonies and the power of the truth, Jeremy and Daniel continue to influence those around them and encourage others they meet to come to the knowledge of Jesus Christ and His true Church, forging new links in the chain of faith. The possibilities are endless.