The effects of addiction are felt by everyone. Loving someone who is addicted to pornography or substances can stir powerful feelings of betrayal, grief, anger, worry, and guilt, to name a few. We may struggle each moment to move forward in a productive way, applying the atonement of Jesus Christ, and offering support to our suffering loved one. You are not alone. You may need constant reminding that you are valued and loved by the Lord.

According to Sister Linda S. Reeves, formerly second counselor in the Relief Society general presidency, “We as leaders are also greatly concerned about the spouses and families of those suffering from pornography addiction. Know that you are not alone. There is help.” (Sister Linda S. Reeves, Hurting from a Loved One's Addiction? Find Help Online”)
Family Support Services, as part of the Addiction Recovery Program, supports spouses and family members as they seek the Saviour’s help to carry their burdens and receive His promise: “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” (John 14:27).

Just as those who are addicted need the Atonement of Jesus Christ in order to find freedom from the bondage of addiction, spouses and family members also need His healing power to be free from the bondage of despair.
Family Support Services offers a confidential phone-in group, for women only, that strengthens us in our individual situations.
We follow a manual that offers 12 gospel principles customized to support us in accessing the enabling power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ. “Using this new guide and the gospel principles within as a foundation, those whose loved ones struggle with addiction will find practical suggestions on how to deal with their situation and find healing through the Savior and His Atonement,” said Sister Reeves. (Sister Linda S. Reeves, Hurting from a Loved One's Addiction? Find Help Online”)

According to Sister Carol F. McConkie, first counselor in the Young Women general presidency, “Complete healing does not take place until spouses and family members apply the healing power of the Atonement to their experience. This guide will help those struggling with a spouse’s addictive behaviors place their burdens upon the Savior and learn to trust His grace and the power of His word.” (Sister Carol F. McConkie, “Hurting from a Loved One's Addiction? Find Help Online”)
For access to the manual, please go to Spouse and Family Support Guide. We study one principle each week through reading, discussion, and sharing. These 12 principles are:
1. God Will Console Us in Our Afflictions
2. Shake Off the Chains
3. He Will Take Upon Him Their Pains
4. Draw Near Unto Me
5. Take Heed Unto Thyself
6. Thy Friends Do Stand By Thee
7. In Everything Give Thanks
8. Be Firm and Steadfast
9. We Have Renounced Dishonesty
10. Lift Up the Hands Which Hang Down
11. Bear All These Things with Patience
12. My Peace I Give Unto You
If desired, sisters may listen only. There is no requirement to participate.

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland said, “…Christ does know us. He has walked the thorny, difficult, rock-strewn path of our lives.…He gave His Only Begotten Son for me, and that says something about my worth in His eyes and my worth in the eyes of the Savior.” (Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, “The Savior understands Me”)
As the Lord declares in 3 Nephi 9:14: “…Behold, mine arm of mercy is extended towards you, and whosoever will come, him will I receive; and blessed are those who come unto me.”
Meetings are held Sunday evenings at 7pm by phoning 1-855-537-4000, meeting number 990497540#.